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Here is our brochure!



We are attempting to recycle 500lbs of E-Waste before the New Year!

We have a few ways that we are collecting data and we NEED YOUR HELP


In order for us to track our progress, we need to gather a few things from you.

  1. type of items you will be dropping off (example: phones & cables)

  2. number of each item (example: 2 phones, 6 cables)

  3. weight of each item (best guess if you do not have a scale)

  4. first name,

  5. your email.


You can fill out either of these forms at one of our events or fill them out after you've dropped off your recycled electronics. We have two forms of data collection, paper & digital. Below you will find links to these forms.






You can access a direct link to our data collection sites using a click of a button. This version allows us to cut down on paper, and data management and is our PREFERRED method of data collection. Please share with your family and friends!


All you have to do is click the link, and enter your information in the fields. That's it!





The paper report is one you will likely find if you come to our e-waste collection events on our table for you to fill out with a pen, pencil, crayon, charcoal or paint 😉.  You can then give us this data by either:


  • dropping it off at any of our events near you

  • taking a photo of the form and emailing it to

  • scanning and emailing it to the same address. 


We have consolidated a list of local retail stores that have e-waste collection bins! Click the button below for that info. *Note - this document is under construction and as we find more information, we will be updating it.

Find more locations near you!

Earth911 is a wonderful site that allows you to search for types of electronics you need to recycle and your zipcode to find places you can drop off your gear. Try it out!

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